Thursday 15 December 2016

Creation of a Soundscape

For our soundscape, we decided that we want our sequence to mainly consist of diegetic sound. We deliberately got shots close to our sounds so the camera microphone could pick it up at the time of filming. However, we also wanted to layer very quiet drone sounds in the background and a short clip of music at the beginning.

At Regent's Park we filmed a scene with the fig rig and camera close to the ground while Jessi runs past in the leaves. The sound was picked up by the camera and the footage sounds realistic and creates suspended disbelief. Also, in the bathroom scene where Jessi is washing her hands the microphone picked up the sound of the tap running. Compared with the rest of the sequence which is fast paced, this scene works as a way to slow time down. The sound of the tap running is a big contrast from the intense music and drone sounds.

For non-diegetic sound, we decided to use a non-copyrighted song. The song sounds very intense which will suit the style of the beginning of our title sequence.

The clip starts off quiet and then turns very fast paced. We will only use a snippet of this soundtrack while Jessi is in the park location. We only want an intense feeling in a few parts of the sequence (The park scenes and the very end of the sequence) so we will use the music in only a few scenes.

Another non-diegetic layer we want to add is drone sounds. Even though they are very quiet, they still add a sinister feeling into the film and keep the audience on edge.

The first clip (0:00-05:06) will suit with our title sequence. We plan to layer these sounds together to create a suitable soundscape. We would like to use wild sound of heavy breathing at the beginning but we aren't sure whether it will fit with how our sequence starts.

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