Thursday 8 December 2016

Filming Session 07/12/16

On Friday 2nd December, the other three members of our group went to film the house scenes at Jeannie's house. When we had our media lesson on Monday we went through the footage and we realised the lighting didn't go to plan again. The shots seemed quite rushed so we had to consider filming again. Therefore, we changed location and decided to  change location and do the house scenes at Jessi's house in Woodside Park.

On Wednesday 7th December,  Jubida, Jessi and myself went to film at Jessi's house. Unfortunately Jeannie could not make it to film because she had a doctors's appointment.  We started filming at around 1:30 and we decided to film in chronological order. So we started with our main character (Jessi) walking to her house and opening the door to her house. We got close ups of Jessi's fingers which are filled with mud to show the audience that the main character had been to the park to bury the bag. We then shot her coming into the house, however we noticed the lighting was far too dark. We did not want to make the same mistake with the lighting as in the past our lighting has let us down. Thus, we ensured the lighting seemed right and turned the light on in house and this made such a big difference.

The next shots we had to film was the girl washing her muddy hands and trying to act normal again.  We faced a lot of difficulties with the tripod as it seemed like it was quite loose and we couldn't pan some shots very well. Some of our shots looked quite wonky too. If we needed to film in the future again, we could check the tripod and ensure everything is alright with it to overcome this problem.

Then we filmed the girl sitting down and watching tv and then reading her book to make her seem like a normal person. For the last few shots we had to film  the girl receiving the texts and getting panicked. When she throws her phone she notices the newspaper and we want it to fade with a mid close up of the headline of the newspaper article.

When we watched through our footage on Thursday's lesson we thought the transition from the park to the girl's house didn't seem right. We need to film a shot of the girl exiting the park to make the shot seem more seamless.

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