Sunday 6 November 2016

BLOG POST 18 - genre shortlist

For this blog post I'll be discussing the final 3 film genres that I would like to possibly use for my title sequence. Below I have written the chosen genres and why I would like to use them:

  1.  Horror: I've included this genre in my shortlist as it is one of my favourite genres as you don't know what to expect when you watch them. I think that it would be very interesting to shoot as this type of genre uses many different shot types, one that's used very often is a wide shot as it sets the scene of the film and will usually feature one of the main characters in it. I also like this genre because there are many different types of horror films, e.g. paranormal, torture, stalking and more. A good film from this genre is 'Sinister' because it makes the audience afraid of what is about to occur in the plot, this feeling for the audience is primarily created through the use of dark lighting. Even when the main character is in his office there is minimum light in the room which creates an creepy tone to the film.
  2.  Action/Thriller: I've included this genre in my shortlist as it is will attract a varied audience of both men and women who are aged 18+. Much like the genre of horror there are many different ways that the film can go in, it could feature an abduction of an innocent person and they have to be saved as soon as possible, or it could be about a retired assassin that gets back in business. A good film from this genre is 'John Wick' as the lighting makes the film appear very dramatic which makes the audience want to continue watching the film. 
  3. Coming of age/Teen: This is the last genre that is included in my shortlist. This genre is very different from the other two included, I have done this as it adds variation and will attract a different type of audience (teenagers). I think that this type of genre will be fun to work on as they usually use bright colours which can be introduced through clothing or the set that the title sequence will be filmed on. A good film from this genre is 'The Breakfast Club' as it features students from all different types of friendship groups, this allows the film to be relatable for many people for different reasons.

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