Thursday 3 November 2016

bloging health check one

over the half-term we had our first blogging health check this is a process were our teachers tell us what they think is going well and what we need to make our blog better. over all I am quite please and agree with the comments made as I am behind in my work as im on blog task 13 and working slower than the others. I am going to be attending workshops on wenesday lunch times to do the work and keep up with squeal. I also see the fact I need to title the blog posts as I didn't realize this was needed and ill be doing it from now on. here is my tardets from mary below.

"Jeannie 14 posts you are doing well at the moment and are almost up to date! I like the comments on the font used in Corpse Bride very much, and you have also produced a very effective emaze about genre. I’m also really pleased that you have labelled your prelim so clearly. However, the main thing you need to do is learn how to embed clips, emaze and prezi as there are too may links and they don’t all work! This is a skill to learn that you will get more marks for and would have made your mark higher this time.
1. come to media workshop any lunchtime and learn how to embed clips, emaze and prezi and embed the presentations for bog 7 & 11.
2. Insert the student video for blog post 3
3. From now on put fuller titles on your post so the examiner knows what the post is about. They will not have the checklist when they mark it. e.g.: “Blog 11: What is Genre?”
4. Do complete some audience research for blog 13 and for blog 14 if you can just post JUST ONE really good micro/macro analysis of Pelham that would be better than not progressing with the next blogs you will be asked to do.
well done
mary "

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