Sunday 20 November 2016

Pitch Task 7 (Blog 27) - Filming Locations by JESSI

In our title sequence we will need to film in two different locations to create a seamless plot line; it will also create suspend disbelief for the audience as it will create a realistic tone to the film. Our first location will be in a park- Regents Park. We have decided to film in this location as it is local to where everybody lives and it has woodland areas which we can use to film in to create a sinister and mysterious tone to the film. We will film in the evenings to create a more realistic feel to our title sequence as the girl has just come home from school and she has been text by an anonymous number who is blackmailing her, after that she then frantically runs from her house and through the park.Our second filming location is in a bedroom, we have chosen Jeanie's house as none of her family members will be their when we film. By no one being at this location it will create an eerie tone which will make the audience feel fearful.
 Below there is a google maps image of the park that we will be filming in.

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