Monday 23 January 2017

EVALUATION: Question 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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EVALUATION: Question 2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

EVALUATION QUESTION 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

EVALUATION QUESTION 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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EVALUATION QUESTION 2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

EVALUATION: Question 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

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EVALUATION QUESTION 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

EVALUATION QUESTION 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

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Evaluation- Q1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenges forms and conventions of real media products?

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Evaluation- Q2: How does your media product represent social groups?

Evaluation- Q3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

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Evaluation- Q4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

Thinglink below, please click on the bullet points to reveal the text:   Below is an example Facebook page for a target audience member:

Evaluation- Q5: How did you attract/ address your audience?

We completed this task using Weebly.

Here is the link:

Here are some videos of audience feedback which we received after the premiere of our title sequence:

- Wider audience feedback
  • After our local release, we received great feedback from the wider audience. Most people liked our how interesting our title sequence was. We received great feedback for the music we used throughout. We also were told that there should've been more intense music in the house scenes, we would act upon on this if we had to create our title sequence again.
  •  After receiving this feedback, we have realised that all the audience advice we received was important as it allowed us to achieve such a successful title sequence. 

Evaluation- Q6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

EVALUATION QUESTION 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

EVALUATION: Question 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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EVALUATION QUESTION 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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Evaluation- Q7: Looking back at your prelim task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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Sunday 22 January 2017

Signing off!

When you finally finish your coursework:

Creating our title sequence was a task and a half but we managed to create a great final piece. It was hard to create and very stressful but somehow we managed to get through with a bonus of making some good friends on the way!

We are happy to say that we've come to the end of our coursework for media studies. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, but mostly very enjoyable.

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Friday 20 January 2017

Blogging Health Check 3

I am very glad at the progress I made on the blog. After the last blogging health check, I followed all the targets which I was given and made sure to use a range of ICT apps in my work. I went back to old blogs and also replaced some of these with more visually pleasing apps.
To follow my targets in this health check, I will go back to some of my old editing posts and update them with screenshots from our editing sessions. There is a general production schedule posted on the blog already, however I need to update the calendar on that blog, marking the dates on which we filmed on.

Blogging Health Check 3

This has been a long journey and I have produced a mixture of both good and bad posts. Whenever I received feedback, I have acted upon them to ensure I am able to get the best grade.

After receiving this feedback, I acted upon my first target to ensure that we had a good editing post.  I achieved by using screenshots from our video drive to ensure we had a great editing post.
For my second target I have ensured that my results obtained from my survey are onto the blog.

Blogging health check 3

I am happy with the feedback that I was given as it told me what I have succeeded in and what I need to work on. To improve my grade, I'll work on the targets that I have been set, to do this I will:

  • Create a survey monkey to show audience feedback of the final title sequence
  • Develop some of my older bogs so I can bring my final grade up 
  • Write a blog post about editing and include screenshots that are on the hard drive to show how we have developed our editing skills

Thursday 19 January 2017

Last Editing Session & Ticking off our Sequence

It was our last day of editing our sequence today! After watching our opening sequence, Mary told us there were only a few things left for us to change;
- The consistency of sizes in our titles
- The sound effect of the phone falling on the ground
- Adding sounds into our idents
We were able to do all of this and even worked on making a few more tweaks to the soundscape. We changed the soundscape so that  during the bathroom scenes, only the drones are present and as soon as the character leaves the bathroom the music comes back.

Unfortunately, Jeannie and Jessi weren't able to make it to the session today but we made sure to contact them, updating them about the changes we would make. Once we were sure we had a final title sequence we were happy with we ticked our group off on the wall:
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Thursday 12 January 2017

My threats during cw

During the planning, filming and editing parts of the coursework I have found some parts easy and some parts hard. Overall, I think that I have played a large part in my group as I always try to put my input in rather than saying nothing.

My threats:

  • At first, I found working with new people hard but shortly after I became friends with the people in my group and it became easy to work with them
  • I think that i struggled with the amount of times we had to keep on re-film certain parts of our title sequence as it became quite tedious and stressful because it kept on going wrong. However, when we got the scene correct and the filming session went well, it made the group feel really successful and we all felt less stressed about the deadline that was not far away. 
  • At the beginning of blogging, we were loaded with quite a lot of blog posts to complete in a short period of time which i found quite hard to deal with. Unfortunately, i fell behind with my work but i managed to catch up with the work load during the holidays 

My opportunities during cw

During the planning, filming and editing parts of the coursework I have found some parts easy and some parts hard. Overall, I think that I have played a large part in my group as I always try to put my input in rather than saying nothing.

My opportunities:

  • I like to be creative when working, so i think that this project was a good way for me to put my creativity into my work.
  • I have been present for every filming session that the group has done over the last couple months, this has helped me when blogging and editing as it gives me a good idea of what the final product will be like
  • I have learnt how to a new media software, Adobe Premiere, this is good because I will be able to use it again next year during the course with some what ease

My weaknesses during the cw

During the planning, filming and editing parts of the coursework I have found some parts easy and some parts hard. Overall, I think that I have played a large part in my group as I always try to put my input in rather than saying nothing.

My weaknesses:
  • At the beginning of coursework I fell behind on some of the work which made media hard for me. As i catched up on old blog posts, I was getting told to do new blog posts - it was a viscous circle. Fortunately, I was able to catch up and i brought my grade up from a D to a B.
  • Sometimes I can be lazy and not want to do my coursework but I have to do it as I don't want to fall behind again. I try to not get lazy by trying to finish my blog posts the day that i get set them.
  • I can sometimes be stubborn and want to get my own way whilst filming but I have to adapt to the situation and take other peoples ideas into consideration.

My strengths throughout the cw

During the planning, filming and editing parts of the coursework I have found some parts easy and some parts hard. Overall, I think that I have played a large part in my group as I always try to put my input in rather than saying nothing.

My strengths:

  • I think that during the time I've been doing my coursework I have been able to adapt to different situations quickly. This is good because our group faced many difficulties as we had to re-film 7 times so we could get the perfect shots and lighting for our title sequence.
  • I have learnt how to use Adobe Premier in a short amount of time so I can help with the editing process of the title sequence 
  • When filming I take on the groups comments about improving and i try to act in a way that will help make the title sequence look good and come together as a whole 

my SMART targets

Overall, i am happy with the comments that i was given as i was able to go from a D grade to a B grade. I was able to do this by getting on top of the work that i had missed and i also blogged consistently to bring up my overall amount of blog posts.

Rough Cut 2 - Class Feedback

After receiving our feedback, everyone liked our music choice and said they thought it went really well with the action. However, at some parts of the sequence there was no non-diegetic sound, so Mary advised us to not use any  non-diegetic  sound in the bathroom but at the end when she receives the text message, we should use dramatic music to give a better ending.

We also were told we have to have effects or transitions for our titles, so we will be working on this over the next few days.

Overall we received positive feedback and showed how much of an impact was made by putting sound in our title sequence, which everyone enjoyed greatly.
Next steps:
1) Add transitions or effects to our titles
2 Add more sound layering.
3) In the bathroom include no music and at the end there should be dramatic music.

Rough Cut 2

 Below we have uploaded a rough cut of our title sequence, we have done this so when we finish filming we can look back at the work that we completed. For us, we only have a week left to completely finish the title sequence for the film 'Hidden'. Although this is a daunting prospect for us as we still have some more things to do before the deadline, we hope that we will be able to complete our coursework to a high standard allowing us to get a good grade.

What we have to do before the deadline:

  • We have to layer more sounds on to the title sequence so can suspend disbelief and intensify the atmosphere that is in the title sequence 
  • We need to edit the last section of the footage we are using in our title sequence
  • We need to finish and our our idents for the beginning of the title sequence
  • We need to add some effects to the footage and credits so we can create a more sinister atmosphere in the title sequence 

Monday 9 January 2017

Filming Session 06/01/17

On Friday 6th, Jeannie, Jubida & Jessi set off to the filming location of the characters house. We had to reshoot all of the house scenes due to bad lighting, we were also unhappy with a part of the plot where the character is sitting and watching TV. To fix this, we made this scene a lot shorter and added another scene where the character is panicky and sits on her bathroom floor thinking about what she has done. This adds an element of worry in the character and the audience will wonder about what she may have done. The bad lighting in the last shoot was due to the ND Filter being left on without us realising. We made sure to avoid this problem by always checking the camera to check if we didn't accidentally leave the filter on.

A photo posted by Official Movie (@hiddenmovie) on

At first, starting filming was a bit slow as the three of us were trying to think of new ideas we could add to the sequence to make it more interesting. By a happy accident of leaving fake blood on the walls, we decided we should have a shot where the character leaves blood behind on the bathroom door as she enters.

We decided we also wanted a lot more fig rig shots where the camera moves during certain shots like the close ups of the characters face. Overall, we had a successful day of reshooting, and by looking back at the footage we see great lighting and a variety of shots being used.

A photo posted by Official Movie (@hiddenmovie) on

Thursday 5 January 2017

Updated Storyboard

Our Updated Storyboard

During our filming process, a lot of our group members had different ideas on how to make the sequence more interesting. Because of this, the footage turned out to be a little different to our original storyboard. A lot more different ideas and shots were added to the storyboard which made our sequence much more interesting. This is our updated storyboard, which may be changing again after our next filming session.

Sound layering

For our title sequence, I browsed through suspense music. After searching for a while, I found the following videos that we could use for our title sequence:

We will be using drone suspense music, which we be getting from the Media AS resources folder. We have decided to use the drone dark suspense 01 music for our title sequence, as it would go with the situation of our character is in and it will also fit the thriller genre.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Evaluation of our rough cut (jeannie)

So I personally loved were we are at we are finally seeing elements of our final thoughts coming togather, all of us done all different jobs and togather created what we have, over all I was doing the main camera works and directing jessi how she should act and what scene would look good where and what not nardia was our blogger who made sure everyone was keeping up to date with tasks and making sure we all know what is needed to be done for the best possible marks and what pros is needed and when. Jessi was our main actor and editor she is the most intelegent when it comes to editing and she wants to make sure we all learn how to use it so some times it will be me and jessi editing whilst the rest blog or someone else with jessi. Lastly jubida has been out photographer and making sure everything is done safety and nothing is braking our risk assessment and generally anything that could cause a problem in the future. She also helps me with the filming as to when I can't reach the tripod she will laugh and fix it so it's a balanced and short enough place for me to shot. Togather as a group I feel like all our work is coming together and from afew weeks ago from having to re-do the title sequence in 3 days to now it's looking only up and I'm happy to say I love our title sequence even with the jumpy scenes and some scenes being abit dark I see it as a start and hopefully will get near to what we hope for.

Monday 2 January 2017

SMART Targets

My SMART Targets:
After reading through my blog posts I have decided on three very suitable targets to improve my posts:
Target 1 helps to fix the problem where there are a big blocks of texts which may not be visually appealing. By using ICT apps my posts will be easier and more enjoyable to read.
Target 2 lets me use a different and wider range of apps instead of sticking to the ones I'm comfortable with. This helps me improve my presentation and planning skills.
Target 3 ensures that my posts will be in a suitable order and I won't be panicking while writing posts to try and meet a deadline.

I will review if I have met these targets a few days before the due date of our work so that I have enough time to make any last minute changes. 

Analysing Strengths & Weaknesses in my Blog

Evidence AUDIT

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After my AUDIT I have decided that even though my blog is okay the way it is, there is still a lot of posts that I would like to go back and fix. This may be because at the time we didn't use a range of ICT apps or because I may have rushed my work. I will definitely make these changes in the next week.

Overall, I'm quite happy with my blog because it's easy to navigate and very well detailed. It also provides a lot of evidence of filming and updated mise-en-scene features during our filming process.