Thursday 12 January 2017

My threats during cw

During the planning, filming and editing parts of the coursework I have found some parts easy and some parts hard. Overall, I think that I have played a large part in my group as I always try to put my input in rather than saying nothing.

My threats:

  • At first, I found working with new people hard but shortly after I became friends with the people in my group and it became easy to work with them
  • I think that i struggled with the amount of times we had to keep on re-film certain parts of our title sequence as it became quite tedious and stressful because it kept on going wrong. However, when we got the scene correct and the filming session went well, it made the group feel really successful and we all felt less stressed about the deadline that was not far away. 
  • At the beginning of blogging, we were loaded with quite a lot of blog posts to complete in a short period of time which i found quite hard to deal with. Unfortunately, i fell behind with my work but i managed to catch up with the work load during the holidays 

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