Thursday 12 January 2017

My weaknesses during the cw

During the planning, filming and editing parts of the coursework I have found some parts easy and some parts hard. Overall, I think that I have played a large part in my group as I always try to put my input in rather than saying nothing.

My weaknesses:
  • At the beginning of coursework I fell behind on some of the work which made media hard for me. As i catched up on old blog posts, I was getting told to do new blog posts - it was a viscous circle. Fortunately, I was able to catch up and i brought my grade up from a D to a B.
  • Sometimes I can be lazy and not want to do my coursework but I have to do it as I don't want to fall behind again. I try to not get lazy by trying to finish my blog posts the day that i get set them.
  • I can sometimes be stubborn and want to get my own way whilst filming but I have to adapt to the situation and take other peoples ideas into consideration.

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