Monday 9 January 2017

Filming Session 06/01/17

On Friday 6th, Jeannie, Jubida & Jessi set off to the filming location of the characters house. We had to reshoot all of the house scenes due to bad lighting, we were also unhappy with a part of the plot where the character is sitting and watching TV. To fix this, we made this scene a lot shorter and added another scene where the character is panicky and sits on her bathroom floor thinking about what she has done. This adds an element of worry in the character and the audience will wonder about what she may have done. The bad lighting in the last shoot was due to the ND Filter being left on without us realising. We made sure to avoid this problem by always checking the camera to check if we didn't accidentally leave the filter on.

A photo posted by Official Movie (@hiddenmovie) on

At first, starting filming was a bit slow as the three of us were trying to think of new ideas we could add to the sequence to make it more interesting. By a happy accident of leaving fake blood on the walls, we decided we should have a shot where the character leaves blood behind on the bathroom door as she enters.

We decided we also wanted a lot more fig rig shots where the camera moves during certain shots like the close ups of the characters face. Overall, we had a successful day of reshooting, and by looking back at the footage we see great lighting and a variety of shots being used.

A photo posted by Official Movie (@hiddenmovie) on

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