Thursday 6 October 2016

Blog 3- Analysing previous title sequences- Lara

This was a good piece of work which I particularly enjoyed. This title sequence was edited very well which made it look very realist and it had a variety of different shots. The genre of this title sequence is a thriller. The editing, use of sound and shots made the idea they must have intended the audience to understand very well. The plot of this title sequence was about a 15 year old girl who has been missing and this news is broadcasting on news. It follows the missing girl running for her life and eventually getting killed. The shots types that were used were close ups and this was effective in showing the emotions of the missing girl.  Medium shots were also effective in portraying the potential problem the girl was going to eventually face, this sequence did include special effects of the screen getting blurred and going to show how the missing girl's life is flickering away. The location was in a forest which looked very scary and it made the whole story very effective. The use of sound was very well thought. The diegetic sound of the man letting the audience know about the news of girls is effective in adding tension to the problem. The non diegetic sound in the background sounds very frightening and enables the story to end how we expect to end- have a bad ending. The final diegetic sound of the girl scream was effective in finishing the sequence as well as giving the girls death away, it was a very dramatic ending which was particularly good ending. In general the sequence was very nice to watch and understand. 

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