Friday 14 October 2016

Blog 13- Audience research activity

Task 1- What is a target audience :
answering questions
What is an audience?
  • All media texts are made with an audience in mind, ie a group of people who will receive it and make some sort of sense out of it. And generally, but not always, the producers make some money out of that audience.

How do we define target audiences?
-Target audience is the people you are aiming your product at.
-It can be split into :

1) Primary-
  • Main audience- direct interest in product 

  • Secondary audience- product is not designed fro them, however they may view it because of their children, friends, family etc.

3) Tertiary-
  • Slightly interested in product due to something they know within it.
  • They would not usually view/read it

-You will need to choose whether your target audience is going to fall under these certain categories:
  • Male or female or both
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Ethnic group
  • Interests
  • What are their income range
  • What common interests do they share

Why is it useful for a film to have a target audience?
  • In the film industry, recognising and appealing to your target audience is important, as ultimately they will the types of people who will be watching your film.
  • Recognising your target audience earlier is vital as they will determine the content for the film
  • It can help you manage plan your advertising and save money

Which audience to you think different genres appeal to you?
Think about genre, gender, location, profession, interest etc.

  • Animated,  adventure will appeal to children aged 7-14.                                                           Films like Tangled, Frozen and Harry Potter will be most appealing.
  • Thrillers will appeal to young adults move male and female aged 15-21
  • Drama/biography films such as Quartet, Philomena will appeal to over 50's.
  • Genres such as thriller, comedy and action are most popular with men.
  • Genres such as Romantic comedy and animation are most popular with women.
  • Middle class people are interested in Science-fiction films.
  • Audience in London like watching action movies than Scotland who prefer watching animated films.

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