Thursday 20 October 2016

BLOG POST 11 - Genre

The definition for genre is 'type' or 'class', and it is a way to categorise different products that share similar features and characteristic with one another. They can quickly help to establish the differences between different media form. It also helps to establish certain codes (systems of signs which create meaning) and conventions (the way of doing something) which film makers can follow in order to make their film look a certain way, and to achieve a certain effect which will attract the targeted audience. Genres are a way that allows people to identify the type of film that they enjoy most, they can they go on to watch more of this specific genre, it also allows them to know the type of film that they dislike. Whilst I am discussing genres, I would like to present my three favourite genres with some examples which is shown below:

HORROR - I like films that fall into the horror genre as they are very captivating and make me want to continue watching as I want to know what is going to happen in the rest of the film. One of my favourite horror films is 'The Conjuring', this is because the mise-en-scene sets a sinister and creepy tone to the film by using dark lighting when something bad was about to happen. This film also used iconography to show the ghostly symbols, dark places, and unusual things occurring like doors slamming and swinging lights. Below is some examples of where iconography is used in 'The Conjuring'.


THRILLER - I also like films that fall into the thriller genre as you get to know the characters more than you would normally in a horror film which makes you more intrigued when something bad is happening to them. One of my favourite thriller films is 'The Purge', this is because you yourself could imagine a purge potentially occurring in our own lives (although, very unlikely). The cinematography of the film uses a lot of close ups which shows details and emotions, by doing this it makes the audience feel more in contact with the characters. The mise-en-scene of the film creates suspense and tensions which sets the tone to the film. Below there are some examples of where cinematography is used in 'The Purge'.

COMING OF AGE - I also like films that fall into the coming of age genre, I like this type of genre as they usually have a strong message behind them like loneliness/depression, teen pregnancy or being a misfit and not fitting in. One of my favourite coming of age films is 'Juno', I enjoyed this film as it is both serious and funny, like other films in this genre it also uses a lot of voice overs. This is done to bring the audience closer to the main character and get a glimpse of what they are currently experiencing. In 'Juno' the colour theme is oranges and browns which contrasts to the bright colours that you would usually tend to see in this genre of film, as they usually would have pink and blue tones. In coming of age films the location that they're set on is usually a high school or college and it'll feature the stereotypical cliques that are in American schools, for example: the athlete, the geeks, the pretty girls and the cheerleaders. Below there are some examples of the shots thats are used in the film 'Juno'.

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