Wednesday 19 October 2016

task 12

 BFI statistical year book
1. which 3 genres were most successful at the uk box office? the 3 most successful were animation, comedy and action
2.  which 3 genres were least popular at the uk box office? the least successful on the box office were war, romance and documentary's
3.  which genre had the most releases in 2013-2014? the most released in this time period was comedy
4. how many films were made in comedy in this time period? there was 153 films made during 2013-2014
5.  how many animation films were made in this time period? there was 33 film made.
6. how many action films were made in this time period? there was 47 film made.
7. what does this information about genre tell you? films in animation, action and comedy are the most liked and in poplar demand as they are more appalling to wider audiences and its widely popular amongst adults and children alike.
8. which age group made up the biggest proportion of cinema admission in the uk the large
majority of the people who attend the pictures are aged between 15-24
9. which comedy film was the most successful with this age group? the most successful film in the age group was hangover 3
10. what films are the most popular to people in their 50's? 3 popular fims to people in this age group was Philomena(uk), quatet and les miserbles
11. what films are the most popular with guys? comedy, action and thriller
12.  what films are the most popular with women? woem mainly like films that contain a broader range of genres and romantic comedys
13. which films are most popular for people ages 7-14? two films popular with children were despicable me 2 and wreck-it Ralph
14. why might animation be one of the most successful genres at the box office mainly with people aged 33-44 as they were the main age group who liked frozen and the croods? well I'm my option I believe that it is beautifully made and brings back nastier to their childhood
15.  what films are the most popular with 25-34 year olds? some of the most poplure were fast and furious 6 and rush
16.  what films are the most popular with middle class audences?
C1: Gravity and captain phillips
C2: despicable me 2 and fast and furios 2
17. what differences in London and Scotland can you make about the types of films they appear to prefer?
London: gravity and fast and furious 6
Scotland: about time and monsters university ( further more in Scotland thriller and action is more popular than it is in London)

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