Sunday 30 October 2016

BLOG POST 12 - BFI Statistical Yearbook research

For this blog post It was necessary to develop my knowledge of the success of different film genres at the box office and the preferences amongst different audience types. To do this I looked at the BFI Statistical Yearbook of 2014, this helped to me to gain more knowledge about different genres and audiences.
In 2014, the most successful genres at the UK box office was animation, action and comedy which suggests that the people living in the UK would like to continue seeing these types of movies. In contrary, the least popular genres in 2014 were romance, documentaries and war; this suggests that the targeted audience were not intrigued by these types of movies.
The genre of comedy released 153 films in 2013-2014 which emphasises the enjoyment that they bring to people watching them. This is a great achievement as there were only 33 animated films made and only 47 action films made. This suggests that the film production of comedy films is a lot faster than action or animated films, therefore more can be produced in a shorter amount of time. In conclusion, it shows that the film audiences want to see  more of this genre which is shown by the amount of them being produced.

In 2014, people aged 15-24 made up the largest proportion of cinema admissions in the UK, suggesting that they have more times on their hands as they're students or have not been working for a long period of time. In this age group, the most successful comedy film was The Hangover 2. The most popular film that was watched by people over the age of 50 in 2014 was Quartet, this is a comedy-drama film. During this year It was evident that men enjoyed watching action films more than any others, the reason for this could be that men have a desire to feel more masculine and strong, so by seeing a soldier battling at war it allows them to see themselves as that soldier. In contrary, it was evident that women were more attracted to watching romance films; the reason for this is that they could be wanting something more in life, like a more compassionate partner or a better love life.
The most popular films that were watched by people aged 7-14 were One Direction: This is Us, Wreck-It Ralph and Despicable Me 2, It's evident that this age group prefer to watch animated films as they are more fun and entertaining which allows them to relate to the film that they're watching. For people aged 35-44, the most popular films watched were Frozen, The Croods and Jack and The Giant Slayer, these are popular in this age group because the majority of people this age are parents and are going to the cinema with their children. This makes the film more successful in the box office as more cinema tickets are sold and the parents can buy their children the merchandise that's brought out for the film. The most popular films within the 25-34 age group is Django Unchained, Fast and Furious 6 and Rush.

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