Thursday 6 October 2016

Prelim Film and Evaluation

21 from 283goswellg on Vimeo.

This was the prelim film we completed in our induction lessons. Our group consisted of; Nadia, Jubida, Omar and Jeannie. The prelim went quite well for our first attempt. None of us had previously used camera equipment or editing software before so I think it was a good attempt. From the start we had a great script and had already planned out the shot types we would use which really helped us when it came to filming. Our actors Jeannie and Omar did their jobs well. We were given the prop of a wig and the setting of an interview waiting room which was quite fun to work with.
We were able to include all required shots during the conversation between our characters; The 180 Degree Rule, Match Cut and Shot Reverse Shot. We also embedded long shots and two shots. Although we had our shots planned out beforehand, at some points we made a few changes to our script. At times the camera work was also a little shaky. We will keep this in mind the next time we attempt filming.

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